Coach Profile

ICF Jakarta Charter Chapter

  • Muhammad Adithia Amidjaya, PCC


Muhammad Adithia Amidjaya is a Business-performance and Executive Coach, as well as a Quality Management and Organization Development Consultant, who has pursued his career in various companies and organizations in the field of textile, security services, HR consulting, mining, to management systems training, and consulting, starting from management trainee level up to the managerial level for over than 23 years. With more than 2,800 coaching hours, Adithia has coached clients across a variety of industries including Insurance agencies, hotels, fabrications, manufacturing, shipping, health and beauty clinics, health equipment distribution, oil and gas, information technologies, building material production, and heavy equipment distribution across Indonesia. His coaching work focuses on helping his clients find solutions rather than problems, building on strengths rather than weaknesses, and finding positive ways forward rather than examining barriers. He facilitates his clients clarifying and identifying their values, help them understand what motivates them, uncover resistance to change and take action that is congruent with what is important to them. He allows his clients to lead the way, forming their own conclusions. With this approach, his clients come to a solution that fits with their individual and organizational needs, and therefore more likely to act on it. His coaching relationship approach to individual and organization growth and development is based on maintaining commitment, equality, openness, and trust to support his clients, driven by a belief that they and their organizations are capable of much better results than they are currently generating. In addition to coaching, Adithia works with multinational companies to develop their quality management systems, align corporate values and culture, and enhance leadership capacities. Adithia is the co-owner of PT. Korpora Trainindo Consultant, a training, consulting, and coaching firm in DKI Jakarta. He holds the Professional Certified Coach (PCC)™ credential of The International Coaching Federation (ICF). He is an ICF-registered mentor coach, the Program Director of ICF Jakarta Charter Chapter from 2016 until 2018, the President-Elect of ICF Jakarta Charter Chapter Period 2019 - 2020, and the President of ICF Jakarta Charter Chapter Period 2021 - 2022, as well as an ICF Global member. Adithia obtained his bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Indonesia, majoring in biochemistry.

Coaching Specialization : Organizational Leadership Development, Strategic Thinking/Planning, Entrepreneurship
Type of Client : Personal and Organizational
Credential : PCC
Fluent Languages : Indonesian, English
Personal Website :
Status : Active


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